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Comprehensive Exam Part 2-Question 3

Comprehensive Exam Part 2-Question 3

Q Question 3. There is a debate in marketing on the question of whether or not marketing creates or satisfies consumer’s needs. Marketing has often been defined in terms of satisfying customer’s wants and needs and some critics maintain that marketing goes beyond that and creates needs and wants that did not exist before. According to these critics, marketers encourage consumers to spend more money than they should on goods and services they really do not need. Consider the broad shifts in marketing. Are there any themes that emerge in these shifts? Can they be related to the major societal forces? Which force has contributed to which shift.

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Marketing is found to be undergoing some of the major changes which is needed for them when being compared with the last decade. In the previous period, the promotions appeared to be quite monotonous in nature and thus it didn’t appeal to be quite interesting also to the consumers. This happened because we end up viewing advertisements either on the television or on newspapers. But at presents, things have changed considerably with the mindset of the consumers and thus we can able to see advertisements everywhere as and where possible. The advertisements can be found while we are travelling, playing games, chatting in some of the social networking sites or in some communication apps like WhatsApp.